Quantivate Blog

Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Education and News

Risk & Compliance Roundup: 1071 Compliance Costs, Critical Vendor Management
risk and compliance management resources
Welcome to your weekly roundup of risk and compliance management resources, brought to you by Ncontracts. This edition covers topics including: Section 1071 compliance…
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Risk & Compliance Roundup: Vendor Monitoring, Business Continuity and Resiliency
risk and compliance management resources
Welcome to your weekly roundup of risk and compliance management resources, brought to you by Ncontracts. This edition covers topics including: Monitoring vendor risk…
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Third-Party Risk Management Best Practices for Financial Institutions
Effective third-party risk management recognizes that vendor relationships bring both value and potential risk exposure. That’s why integrated risk management — coordinating efforts and…
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Governing the Third-Party Risk Management Lifecycle
What Is Third-Party Risk Management? Third-party risk management (TPRM) involves creating a framework of policies, processes, and tools to manage and monitor the risk…
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Building Third-Party Risk Awareness & Transparency
third-party risk awareness
Establishing an effective governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) program can be a difficult task. Developing an enterprise-wide approach that encompasses third-party relationships adds even…
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