Quantivate Blog

Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Education and News

Risk & Compliance Roundup: Risk Management Enforcement, ERM Best Practices, AI Risk
risk and compliance management resources
Welcome to your weekly roundup of risk and compliance management resources, brought to you by Ncontracts. This edition includes: Risk management enforcement trends ERM…
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The State of ERM: Research Reveals Need for Risk Management Maturity
ERM and risk management maturity statistics
Between economic and supply chain challenges, geopolitical events, cyber threats, and other circumstances, managing risk remains a complex and challenging effort for organizations of…
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Delivering Comprehensive ESG Initiatives
ESG initiatives in financial services
More than a hot topic among business leaders, ESG initiatives provide a comprehensive way for organizations to report and deliver on their commitments in…
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How to Develop Risk Appetite and Tolerances
risk appetite and tolerances
Adopting and embedding risk appetite and tolerances is not only essential for financial services organizations to make informed, risk-based decisions, but also supports the…
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Enterprise Risk Management: What CROs and CFOs Need to Know
The modern business environment is constantly subject to change, and risk leaders need to bet on the inevitability of the unknown. Situational awareness and…
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