Risk & Compliance Roundup: Vendor ROI, Contract Management, Regulatory Updates

  • March 1, 2024
  • Quantivate

Welcome to your weekly roundup of risk and compliance management resources, brought to you by Ncontracts.

This edition includes:

Theme of the Week: Third-Party Risk & Contract Management

TPRM: Which Vendors Deliver Return on Investment (ROI)

Are you maximizing the value of your third-party relationships? Get tips on measuring return on investment for your vendors.

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Q&A: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Contract Management

Questions about the implications of AI for banking? Learn about how financial institutions can harness the power of artificial intelligence to make contract management more effective while managing risk.

Browse the FAQs

Managing Fourth-Party Risk: What You Need to Know

Your vendor’s vendors, or fourth parties, also pose risk, but may get overlooked in contract provisions. Review regulatory expectations for fourth-party risk management and how SOC reports can help.

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Regulatory News & Updates

February 2024 Regulatory Brief: Junk Fees, Redlining, and Why Congress Can’t Stop 1071

Get a recap on recent regulatory news and developments from the CPFB, NCUA, and other agencies.

Read the overview or watch the full podcast

Where Are NCUA Examiners Focusing Attention in 2024?

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) has released its 2024 Supervisory Priorities. Focus areas for exams include credit risk, liquidity risk, consumer financial protection, and information security, among others. Take a deeper dive into the implications for credit unions’ fair lending, BSA/AML compliance, and cybersecurity programs.

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March Webinar

Masterful Contract Management: How to Negotiate, Review & Manage Contracts

Register for the upcoming live webinar on vendor contract management to explore topics including common mistakes, regulatory expectations, negotiating pricing, and more.

Reserve your seat

Browse the Ncontracts library of on-demand webinars for expert insights on more risk and compliance topics.

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