Risk & Compliance Roundup: Regulatory Enforcement Trends & Compliance Insights

  • March 15, 2024
  • Quantivate

Welcome to your weekly roundup of risk and compliance management resources, brought to you by Ncontracts.

This edition includes:

New This Week from the Nsight Blog

2024 Regulatory Expectations and Enforcement Actions Recap

Missed last month’s webinar on regulatory enforcement trends and examiner priorities? Explore areas of heightened regulatory oversight for financial institutions, including junk fees, HMDA violations, BSA/AML, credit reporting, and more. Hear from compliance experts on these hot topics and upcoming regulatory changes to watch in the on-demand webinar. 

 Related Reading | Fair lending continues to be a top-of-mind regulatory concern. Dig into 7 focus areas that institutions need to consider in their fair lending compliance programs. 

Top Picks from the Archive: Compliance Management Insights

Discover some of our most popular articles on compliance management best practices and frequently asked questions for banks and credit unions.

What Is Regulatory Change Management at Financial Institutions?

How can your institution develop an effective and compliant approach to managing regulatory change? Review six steps of an efficient, repeatable change management lifecycle.

What Are the Three Lines of Defense in a Compliance Management System? 

Learn about the key components of a compliance management system, or CMS, and how it can help financial institutions support a strong compliance posture across operational, risk/compliance, and audit functions. 

Laws vs. Regulations vs. Guidance: What’s the Difference? 

Sorting through the constant stream of regulatory commentary and changes is challenging enough. Make sure your team understands the categories of regulatory materials they may encounter with this quick primer on the differences between laws, regulations, rules, guidance, and policies. 

Where to Find More GRC Resources  

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