Risk & Compliance Roundup: March Regulatory Briefing, Permission Management

  • March 8, 2024
  • Quantivate

Welcome to your weekly roundup of risk and compliance management resources, brought to you by Ncontracts.

This edition includes:

New This Week from the Nsight Blog

March 2024 Regulatory Brief: Junk Fees, BSA, and CRA

Every month, the Ncontracts and Quantivate team of regulatory attorneys and certified compliance experts provide a rundown of the past month’s regulatory news and trends in the Ncast podcast. From guidance and rules to proposals, enforcement actions, and lawsuits, they’re breaking down what’s happening and what it means for your institution. 

This blog connects to the podcast (also available as a video) and highlights some of the key topics our team tackled, including news on junk fees, Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering expectations, the Community Reinvestment Act, and other topics. 

Read the overview or watch the full podcast

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Mastering Permission Management: How to Secure Sensitive Banking Documents

Everyone knows that part of protecting personally identifiable information (PII) is limiting who has access to it. That makes permission management an important aspect of data security.  

It seems simple, but it’s not. This blog digs into some of the biggest enforcement actions resulting from poor permission management, shares best practices for a permission management program, and offers insights into how technology can help.

Read the blog

Bonus Resource of the Week

On-Demand Webinar: 2024 Regulatory Expectations & Enforcement

Join Ncontracts Vice President of Compliance Stephanie Lyon and Director of Regulatory Compliance Robert Brosh for an informative webinar that delves into what examiners are looking for and where other institutions are tripping up. 

Watch the webinar →

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