Risk & Compliance Resources Roundup: Best of 2019

  • December 18, 2019
  • Quantivate

For the last resource roundup of 2019, let’s take a look back at some of the research and tools we’ve featured over the year, covering topics ranging from managing business continuity and vendor relationships, to defining ERM strategy and performance, to developing a holistic governance, risk, compliance (GRC) program.

Best of the Archives: Top GRC Resources of 2019

What Is GRC? An Introduction to Governance, Risk & Compliance Management

Start your tour of GRC resources by going back to the basics. This guide provides a helpful overview of GRC fundamentals, success factors, and benefits whether you’re new to risk and compliance management or looking to expand your organization’s capabilities. Use this introduction as a learning resource for your team or to help communicate the value to GRC to colleagues or stakeholders.

Read the overview →

How to Get Buy-In for Your Business Continuity Program: Strategies + Workbook

Wondering how to promote your BC program or improvements internally? Learn how to create a strategic action plan for gaining buy-in from management and peers. This introduction and companion workbook will walk you through strategies and exercises for assessing your organization’s attitude toward BC/DR and recruiting advocates for your program.

Read the article and download the companion workbook

Vendor Management Best Practices Playbook

Explore five essential stages of the vendor lifecycle with this playbook for developing a consistent management program. It will help your organization evaluate your third-party risk management processes in areas like due diligence, contract management, audit preparation, and more.

Download the e-book

Developing Key Indicators: KPIs, KRIs, and Effective Risk Management

Key performance indicators (KPIs) and key risk indicators (KRIs) are two critical ingredients of sound risk management. Learn about their characteristics, development processes, and benefits, exploring how key indicators contribute to a strategic ERM program.

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Why GRC Matters: 50 Risk & Compliance Statistics

It pays to be prepared when it comes to governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) management. Find out why by exploring this collection statistics and benchmarks. You’ll get a sense of how organizations like yours are coping with increasing risk levels, regulatory burden, and other challenges in six different management categories.

Browse the statistics

Cracking the Compliance Code

As businesses try to keep up with regulatory change and meet compliance requirements, there’s one area where many fall short: compliance technology and analytics. In this guide, you’ll explore results from a multi-industry survey of chief compliance officers and get insights on compliance challenges and technology implementation.

Download the guide

Learn about how Quantivate and CUNA are working together to relieve regulatory burden for credit unions with compliance technology:

Tactical Risk Management

In a 2019 report, C-suite executives identified “integration with strategic planning” as the biggest performance gap in their organization’s risk management function. Learn how risk integration supports business strategy and performance in this guide to:

  • How other organizations are using risk data
  • Defining strategic risk management
  • The components of a tactical risk management program
Download this resource →

Policy & Document Management Best Practices Playbook

The policy management lifecycle can be chaotic without a framework for managing the process from start to finish and tracking your results. Instead of relying on manual processes, which increase risk, learn how to create an effective policy management program with this playbook of best practices. You’ll find practical takeaways for each stage of process, from development and approval to publishing, attestation, reporting, and more.

Download the e-book

Integrated GRC Technology: How to Strengthen Risk Management’s Three Lines of Defense

Learn how industry leaders maximize the three lines of defense risk management model for better governance and cross-functional coordination, including a best practices framework for assessing and improving internal controls. Plus, explore a breakdown of the benefits of technology-enabled integration.

Download this resource →

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