Quantivate Blog

Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Education and News

The State of ERM: Research Reveals Need for Risk Management Maturity
ERM and risk management maturity statistics
Between economic and supply chain challenges, geopolitical events, cyber threats, and other circumstances, managing risk remains a complex and challenging effort for organizations of all types and sizes. The 2022 State of Risk Oversight Report, the 13th annual enterprise risk management study conducted by ERM Initiative at North Carolina State University and the AICPA, surveyed executives across a range of industries on their organizations’ risk oversight practices and areas for improvement. In comparing past…
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Delivering Comprehensive ESG Initiatives
ESG initiatives in financial services
More than a hot topic among business leaders, ESG initiatives provide a comprehensive way for organizations to report and deliver on their commitments in the areas of environmental, social, and corporate governance. Regulators, investors, consumers, and employees alike are increasingly focused on the ethics and sustainability of organizations’ business practices. Stakeholders seeking ESG information want more than “commitments” and “drives”; they’re looking for comparable data and evidence of action on the organization’s part. This…
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June’s Top Regulatory Change
Each month, Quantivate provides our blog readers with access to the top attorney-generated compliance alert our customers receive. While there were 25 alerts and advisories in June, the largest to be aware of is that the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) issued a final rule on the collection of checks and fund transfers through Fedwire that will take effect in the first quarter following its publication in the Federal Register. Executive Summary On May 19,…
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Building Third-Party Risk Awareness & Transparency
third-party risk awareness
Establishing an effective governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) program can be a difficult task. Developing an enterprise-wide approach that encompasses third-party relationships adds even more complexity. Given the prevalence of vendor cybersecurity and supply chain issues, many organizations are recognizing the value of investing in a mature, comprehensive GRC program for properly managing third-party relationships and mitigating risks or compliance violations. Integrating Third-Party GRC A mature third-party governance program requires transparency and control over…
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April’s Top Regulatory Change
Each month, Quantivate provides our blog readers with access to the top attorney-generated compliance alert our customers receive. While there were 22 alerts and advisories to be aware of in April, the most pressing is that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued its final rule amending suspicious activity report (SAR) regulations. Executive Summary On March 28, 2022, the OCC issued a final rule amending SAR regulations. The rule clarifies the…
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