Quantivate Blog

Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Education and News

Building a Unified Audit Program in Financial Services
unified audit program
Financial services firms have historically approached audit management through scattered and disconnected methods. Individual auditors worked in their own siloed environments, lost in disorganized spreadsheets, loosely organized internal checklists, and separate auditing protocols across different business functions. As technology has enabled better external and internal audit management, financial institutions are replacing these ineffective processes with a unified audit program that simplifies and streamlines financial and internal control audits. Best Practices for a Unified Audit…
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The Costs of a Siloed Approach to Issue Management
Modern business has grown increasingly complex over the years. Globalization, regulations, and new technologies have made it difficult to keep business strategy and objectives aligned with this complexity. Many organizations find themselves conducting issue management through a siloed, departmentalized lens. Issue management activities are too often buried deep within back-office departments and functions. This siloed approach can often lead to redundancy, confusion, and things slipping through the cracks, as organizations lack a full understanding…
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Why Governance Is the Foundation for Organizational Success
When we consider governance in modern business, an old parable comes to mind: He who builds a house upon the rock will weather the storm, but he who builds a house on sand β€” on weak foundations β€” is destined for structural failure. Often organizations focus on maximizing shareholder value but forget that ethics and responsibility cannot be an afterthought β€” governance needs to be ingrained in the DNA of your business model from…
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Top Cybersecurity Concerns for CISOs
Cybersecurity is becoming a priority for organizations of all sizes. Risk leaders and other senior practitioners at financial services firms ranked IT disruption as their top operational risk for 2021, according to a Risk.net survey. The shift to remote work over the past year only heightened security risks and concerns β€” both from outside attackers and internally. Let’s explore some risk areas that CISOs and other IT executives should be aware of as they…
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Strategies for Effective Complaint & Issue Management
Addressing CFPB Requirements, Conduct, and Customer Engagement Customer service teams face a tremendous responsibility in managing difficult feedback and handling many front-office and customer-facing business tasks. Customer service teams serve as the face of an organization to the public while handling large amounts of incoming information. They have a duty to their organization and customers to handle consumer data responsibly. Efficient customer service is not only a business requirement, but also a legal one.…
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