Quantivate Blog

Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Education and News

March Regulatory Compliance Briefing
January Regulatory Compliance Briefing Header
The March Regulatory Compliance Briefing includes advisories and pending actions and alerts to be aware of this month. (more…)
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Consumer Compliance & Commercial Lending: A Guide for Compliance Officers
consumer compliance and commercial lending regulations
While most fair lending requirements are geared toward consumer loans, a financial institutionā€™s commercial products and services may also be subject to certain federal and even state consumer protection laws and regulations. This guide offers a high-level review and summary of consumer compliance requirements related to fair lending, credit reporting, and other regulatory topics, along with how they can pertain to commercial lending. This information is not intended to be comprehensive or constitute legal…
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Silicon Valley Bank: Risk Management Missteps Explained
Silicon Valley Bank SVB risk management
As news of the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and the subsequent shutdown of Signature Bank of New York circulated over the past weekā€”marking two of the three biggest failures in U.S. banking historyā€”the banksā€™ risk management practices have come under the microscope. In SVBā€™s case, missteps in managing concentration risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, and stress testing resulted in a ā€œrisk management nightmareā€ for the bank. ā€œCompounding SVBā€™s problems was anĀ apparent…
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Fighting Fraud and Cybercrime
fraud and cybercrime
March 5ā€“11 is National Consumer Protection Week. Learn about how your organization can play its part in fighting fraud and cybercrime through effective governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) management.
Cybersecurity continues to be a top concern in the financial services industry, as organizations address issues such as consumer protection and fraud prevention, data privacy, and cybercrime. In the FBIā€™s most recent Internet Crime Report, cybercrime accounted for nearly $7 billion in…
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Building a Proactive & Resilient Risk Management Framework
resilient risk management
Risk management is a central concern for the financial services industry, spanning compliance, environmental, third-party, and anti-money laundering risks, among other categories. An effective risk management program should simultaneously support agility and resilience. Agility allows organizations to proactively identify and predict potential risks, while resilience strengthens the ability to efficiently respond to threats or disruptions. However, gaps in risk management strategies and processes often prevent teams from building a framework that supports a mature…
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