What’s Your Risk Management Personality?

  • April 15, 2021
  • Quantivate

Quantivate’s own Director of Product Management, BJ Hillabush, offers a fun take on risk and compliance management through the eyes of popular Disney movie characters.

As a member of the product team at Quantivate, I spend a large portion of my time speaking with governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) professionals. One thing has become abundantly clear to me: being a risk executive is not an easy task. The frequency of major risk events is increasing along with regulatory burden. As a result, I’ve noticed lately in my conversations that risk executives are feeling the weight of increased requirements.

To empathize and offer some lighthearted humor, I’ve put together a small self-assessment based on some popular Disney characters.

Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Do you feel like you don’t have a voice? Despite how much you try to stress the importance of governance, risk, and compliance, no one seems to listen.

Aladdin (Aladdin)

Do you feel like you’re putting on a show for everyone? Behind the elaborate presentations and visuals, you’re just a normal person.

Rapunzel (Tangled)

Do you feel like you’re isolated in a compliance tower? You’re doing the same mundane activities and checking the boxes, but it doesn’t feel like part of a larger, integrated picture.

Genie (Aladdin)

Do you feel like everyone expects miracles of you, and you just want a little more freedom?

Cinderella (Cinderella)

Do you feel like a slave to the urgent? You’re so busy dealing with next change or issue that you don’t have time to create a holistic GRC strategy.

Sebastian (Little Mermaid)

Do you spend your time trying to follow the rules and encouraging others to follow the rules, but people don’t want to listen?

Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)

Do you feel completely unaware of the things going on around you? New executive orders and so many regulations — you don’t know which to track and how to keep up.

Maui (Moana)

Do you feel like your true power and potential haven’t been realized because you’re trapped on an island? You’re stuck with siloed data and processes, trying to connect the dots between risk categories, but feel limited by your organization’s current GRC management methods and tools.

Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

Have you fallen in love with managing the “beast” of compliance, but no one else seems to understand you or share your enthusiasm for the topic? You love to research laws and regulations but struggle to communicate the importance of regulatory change management and compliance to the organization in a way that colleagues will listen to.

If any of these resonate with you, I just want to say thank you for all of your hard work in the GRC space. Even if others may not always see the value in it, we at Quantivate know that the work you do can be challenging but is incredibly important to the strategy and success of your organization.

Learn about communicating the value and benefits of GRC management:

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